Source Code

Drummer Face

The face a drummer makes, often due to intense concentration. Typically, each drummer has a unique "drummer face" and they can be identified by said face. Oftentimes, the drummer does not even realizing they are making a face.

Jon: "Hey man, did you see that face Sammy was making when he play that Krupa beat?"
Tim: "bro, you ain't seen nothing til you see Hayden's drummer face. Guy looks ready to shred up a gorilla."
Jon: "damn! I gotta see that!"

by Swaggity McSwaggerpants February 24, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

tumblr face

A self-absorbed attempt to desperately redesign a character - generally through the face - and whore the result out for attention, comfort of one's inadequacies, and/or faux-progressive ideals on tumblr.

Signs may include rounded features, excess fat, gigantic and reddened noses, sexual ambiguities, problem glasses, hipster clothing, vague ethnicity, plain ("realistic") features, and otherwise corrupting the intent of the original creator.

"Holy shit, Sailor Moon was never this fat or ugly. What a terrible tumblr face."

by ohlooktumblragain July 4, 2016

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit Faced

being totaly smashed out of your mind

yesterday i went to a party and go so shit faced i striped

by Zo0_Kepper April 5, 2004

1030๐Ÿ‘ 312๐Ÿ‘Ž

cactus face

Refers to a man's heavily-stubbled face, so named for the possible pain inflicted upon a woman's lips or thighs.

I don't wanna hurt you with my cactus face, so I suppose I'll jus' kiss your ass.

by Etch July 20, 2006

71๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who is a backstabber, a person who talks about people behind ther back and then turns right around and is there friend, etc.

Sarah: Janae was talking about you just a second ago.
Lisa: But I thought she was my friend.
Sarah: Yea, she is really 2-Faced.

by i hate 2faced ppl March 7, 2006

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See Terence lam.

Stupid FACE i will fucking rape you.

by The Man April 10, 2003

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Face Push

To place your open palm on someone faces and push there head in a violent manner. One of the most demeaning things you can do to someone at any time.

Rob was a stupid fat ass so I face pushed him.

by puddin rob August 29, 2006

56๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž