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you got burned

Something that one says in one of two situations:

1. When another person scorches his or her body parts using a flame or other hot object


2. Right after a striking insult or comeback

1. Danny: Oh no! I just found out that this welding torch was hot the hard way!
Steven: You got burned!

2. Danny: Hey, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together
Chick: Well, I don't have to rearrange the alphabet to put N and O together. Get lost.
Steven: You got burned!

by narwhalsexist October 26, 2011

41๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

i got bitches

A three word sentence that describes a male human being open about having more than one female human being in his disposal.

I got bitches all on my dick,and everyday.Sucking on my balls,licking on my balls.Bitches,they know...stick it in that booty hole,my balls my balls,suck on my balls.

by Ballicker3k18 August 12, 2017

36๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

I Got That Dope

Refered to when you have an extremly expensive or highly wanted object and show it off to some of your pals.

Joe: Hey Bob check this out I Got that Dope
Joe Pulls out a PS3
Bob:Thats cool

by Drainage January 1, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

i got united

to be brutally and aggressively dragged out of my United airline seat

I got united by airport security because I wouldnโ€™t fly standby. Dying in the Friendly skies of united

by Shouldveshatthebed April 11, 2017

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got da sauce

Jus has it

Jus got da sauce

by Jus wit da sauce March 14, 2017

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you got juked

Verb: When someone plays a mediocre joke on someone else and they don't fall for it

Person 1: "oh my gosh my phone just broke"
Person 2: "bro no it didn't"
Person 1: "lol yea it's just a prank YOU GOT JUKED

by LilyLenaSophia April 15, 2017

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Got me dirty

When a dirty low class girl pretends to be a classy woman to get into a relationship with a man that is too good for her.

I thought she was the one but it turns out that bitch got me dirty.

by N8thaFkNgr8 December 3, 2018