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big sad hour

Big sad hour is a phrase used to show one's sorrow for someone else enduring a tough time. Usually it is not used for deaths or injury related events, but minor inconveniences in one's day-to-day life.

Hey man, how's it going?

Pretty bad bro, just got off a 10 hour shift at work.
Damn bro, that's a big sad hour

by Butthole penis January 2, 2019

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"48-hour" rule

Length of time available for a spouse or live-in mate to notice a newly purchased item before the purchaser can claim that the item has been there forever. The item must be conspiculously placed, and cannot be hidden. Good Luck!

I bought a new guitar, snuck it in the house and put it in the stand with the rest. Since Janie didn't notice for two weeks, the "48-hour" rule had lapsed so I could claim it had been there the whole time.

by LaustinTX73 May 24, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

first 48 hours

Most murders are solved in 48 hours, if they are not solved in that time frame they usually don't get solved.

Cop 1: first 48 hours has passed lets go do some hate crimes
Cop 2: Catch the game?

by scrag_10 April 11, 2008

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5 hour boner

A drink made popular in Iowa which involves a shot of Vodka mixed with a full bottle of "5 hour energy drink." Legend tells that after consuming said drink, men will have youthful, erection-induced energy that should result in a phone call to a physician. Whereas women feel like they have just taken a hit of cocaine mixed with speed.

Guy 1: "What do you want to do tonight? I'm pretty tired."
Guy 2: "Dude....let's hit up some 5 hour boners and tear it up."

by Dr. Bulldog October 16, 2010

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24-hour face

A face that exudes stupidity, typified by a mouth that is "open all hours".

"My job interview was fine, but one of the panel had a 24-hour face and that makes me wonder how stupid the rest of the team is."

by Raqasha April 27, 2009

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Spooky Nigga Hours

Spooky Nigga Hours, when you just wanna be spooky to someone you know, or be a dick to the Pedo down the road

Aye, Jared, put on your spooky kkk costume, its spooky nigga hours

by MoonRise177013 October 18, 2017

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eleventh hour friendship

n., a friendship formed at the last minute, usually because a common means of communication is going to expire. Eleventh hour friendships are commonly formed at the end of grade school, high school, college, and periods of employment with a specific employer. The term comes from the "eleventh hour", i.e. the last possible time.

Joe: "I didn't know Bob was friends with Tim. They never hung out in high school."
Jack: "It was an eleventh hour friendship - they literally only got to know each other after graduation."

by Col. Hans Landa December 23, 2011

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