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Main Character Syndrome

A somewhat naive term referring to "When someone thinks they are the main character of their life."

It is naive because everyone IS the main character of their life, everyone is the main character of their own story. Believing you are the main character of the whole world, or all of time is called narcissism, and this term is basically a way to conflate things like focusing on yourself or your ambitions with narcissism.

I would not recommend using it unironically, or towards this definition at all if you have any self respect.

"I asked Jenny where the beer was and she said 'Just over the horizon, like my dreams.'"

"Yeah, that girl has a major case of Main Character Syndrome."

by superdude69 June 26, 2021

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Mr. Main Event

Someone Dripping with Greatness, A Champion of Champions, A Man among Boys, A Hero To All, Someone who is always classy, someone who reaches 1 million miles and Keeps on going.

Ric Flair is the Mr. Main Event

by Byrd81 December 9, 2010

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maine lobstah roll

the act of fucking a girl while on her period followed by a session of titty fucking ending in ejaculation on her chin

"ayuh, i gave the missus one wicked maine lobstah roll last night! you should see the blood on her tits!"

by dirt dog mcdickerson September 17, 2008

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Maine Hot Pocket

Cousin of the Alabama hot pocket, when one spreads the girls vagina lips and vomits inside of them, then proceeds to fuck her.

Man I had the flu, and Allie was real horny, so I vomited inside of her and we made whoopie, it was a Maine Hot pocket.

by The_Fucker January 28, 2009

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main screen turn on

A phrase from the infamous "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US" game Zero Wing and the Flash movie made after it. This phrase is said by one of the members of the space ship moments before CATS arrives.

by Knoll October 28, 2003

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Main Line Mom

These fuckers make driving through the Main Line hell. Usually 40-60 years of age and have multiple children. All of them have the trashiest Philly accent you will ever witness and if you are at a stop light and you aren't driving 0.00000000000001 seconds after it turns green they will honk and scream at you from their Subaru SUV until you move, and will most likely try to cut you off even if they aren't going in your direction.

Main Line Mom: *honks car* Fucking move cunt! My daughter has a dance recital in fifteen minutes and you're making me late!
Me: Fuck off cunt!
Her Children: Ooooooooooooooooooooh

by WhereIsTheClorox September 23, 2017

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a good hanzo main

No one

On one is a good hanzo main

by Overwatch player June 26, 2017

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