Source Code


1. When, during a boob job, the plastic gets replaced with nougat. Then, when the woman breast-feeds, chocolate milk comes out.

woman: Why is chocolate milk coming out?
Man: Omigod! you must have gotten a noob job!!

by userfjsldfnoilsd March 25, 2010

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A person who is new and bad at something. Often used in online video games.

Ahh man you suck you noob

by D3r3k May 18, 2005

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Just go Play Halo 3 on Xbox Live....

Betrayers (Team Killers)

People who drive enemies into your bases

People who delete your maps

annoying fags on xbox live voice mics

Anyone who wears full recon

Anyone who refuses to admit there a noob

Anyone who is a high level but sucks at the game

If you say someone sucks, and they challenge you to a 1 v. 1 and you win they are a noob, if they win, you are a noob.

You can to experience noobs in your household for a low fee of $60.00 a year with Microsoft's Xbox Live.

Or Playstation Network for free*

*Any free service for gaming is slower and full of larger amount of noobs (PS3)

by TheOneNoob November 23, 2009

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noob toob

A term used for the grenade launcher attachment in call of duty. Named for the lack needed skill only noobs use it even in RL.

(Marine):DoOd LoOk At mY 1337 NaDe LaUnCh3r
(Marine's friend):LaWl only nubs use noob toobs

by Flipsk8r1409 March 31, 2009

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Noob Bisket

After you pwnt a noob, you then quickly T-Bag them and leave flour or exspelled fluids across there chest, then you bake them or gernade them leaving them at a nice not burnt but crispy bisket.

Damn, I gave Brandon a Noob Bisket last night!

by But Socks November 19, 2006

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Bowl Noob

Someone who doesn't know how to light a pipe, burns their fingers trying, can't load a bowl or someone who torches the bowl not knowing any better.

Dude corner the bowl, there went all the green hits. Don't be such a bowl noob.

by swift_strongarm February 19, 2011

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Fuckin' Noob

a noob that just got shit on in a First-Person Shooter (CoD MW2. etc.)

head shot! what a fuckin' noob!

by headshotBIOTCH March 19, 2010

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