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David Cameron

The Man who fucked a pig

a: Do you know who David Cameron is?
b: Of course I do. He's the one who fucked a pig isn't he?

by The one who never replies January 17, 2017

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david duchovny

The hot, sexy, flaring, bulging male star of X-Files. He is not only sexy, but also smart, having graduated from Princeton and Yale. Synonyms: hotness, desire, perfection, Fox Mulder.
Duchovny means 'spirit' in Russian.

"I saw David Duchovny up against a car, and wished I were that car."
"We saw David Duchovny in a red speedo. He has a very nice bulge."

by fangirls April 14, 2006

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david lind

Contemporary 21st century artist born August 7th, 1969 in Pennsylvania and living in Portland Oregon. His work is heavily influenced by Abstract Expressionism and (Dynamic) Cubism. Ideas for his work are generated by a process he calls subjective extractionism. This is a process that allows an unfocused yet meditative mind to extract meaning from chaotic or random patterns or shapes in his immediate environment. He uses these extractions as the blueprint for a new creation.

1. David Lind painted 'Bovine', from looking at an arial photograph of farmland.

2. David Lind's inspiration for 'Lounging Lady' was taken from a half-demolished lathe and plaster wall.

by iam whoiam February 14, 2010

David Gritsko

My bf bitch ๐Ÿ’“ he lw a thottie thooo

"Wow look at David Gritsko"
'Yeah he's my bf thank you next, bitch"

by Mrs.Headass February 19, 2019

David cassidy

A gorgeous singer, actor, and amazing human. Mainly popular in the 1970s. Now he is a complete acoholic and has been arrested for drunk driving.

"Man was David Cassidy hot"

by C'estLaVie13 September 12, 2015

Damiano David

Slang for a beautiful and cool man who has impressive singing abilities

Wow Giovanni you lookin like Damiano David today!

by rykstormurinn September 16, 2021

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david schwimmer

1. Played Ross on Friends.
2. Using too much gel even when you aren't on TV.

Guy 1: Hey did you see David Schwimmer on Friends and on the offseason?
Guy 2: Yeah he overgels his hair even on the off-season.

Guy 1: I think his hair repels bugs away from him
Girl: I think he's hot you douchebags.

by Cripplingdepression69 June 22, 2017