You’ve displayed a lack of courage
Jimmy fat fingers won’t shiv Nutters, he’s got no dot
This is a child who lives in a garage intentionally feeding on the game Overwatch. He sells mediocre accounts that get banned quickly.
Oh god its S4mmie dot com on my team, go next.
Java : I want to see you John
John : alright drop yo dot.
A programming slang for a .json file format. It is frequently pronounced as "dot jay-sun", instead of "dot jay ess oh en". Sort of like how some maniacs pronounce GIF as "gee eye eff".
I put the data in a dot jason file.
When someone is attracted or likes to eat/lick dots, they are dot-determined.
Look at Greg, he is so dot-determined, he licks the dots on the wall when nobody is looking.
To shoot the dots off his dice or her/their/x dice: A phrase to describe a crazy relative in a dialogue by Rita Mae Brown.
'Somebody shot the dots off his dice.' ~ Kevin Levin, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien