Otherwise known as a Gillig BRT Plus CNG 40’ (G31D102N4). These are buses just purchased by the NICE Bus (Nassau Inter-County Express) company and they fart and make hilarious sounds. You know when one’s coming when you hear it.
*bus farts or laughs*
Some kid: And there goes a fuckin new bus! I’m not doing bridges.
Oy Matt look at that bus, it's full of Gruff's must be a Gruff bus
The condition of not seeing public transit, specifically the bus, as a viable option for commuting to and from or around a city or metropolitan area.
All of the local media outlets covered parking & driving directions to reach the downtown jazz festival but not one mention of transit because they are bus blind.
Charter bus: a wonderful air conditioned luxurious bus almost like an airplane so awesome you never want to get off if I had it my way I would ride the bus all day
We are taking the charter bus
Really that is the best thing ever
Indirect translation from Japanese for Rejoice-In, Happy ever after, Happy ending.
What ever decision you will make, in the end i will be Ki Bu
A bus company that will never fucking show up.
A: Waiting for bus, due 345678345678923456 mins ago.
B: Calls A
Oy where the fuck are you
A: Bus still hasnt fucking cum, thats first bus for ya