Source Code

bu dum

the loud netflix intro

Me: *about to watch criminal minds*

Netflix: BU DUM

by rodrickthelodeddiper May 13, 2021

New Bus

Otherwise known as a Gillig BRT Plus CNG 40’ (G31D102N4). These are buses just purchased by the NICE Bus (Nassau Inter-County Express) company and they fart and make hilarious sounds. You know when one’s coming when you hear it.

*bus farts or laughs*

Some kid: And there goes a fuckin new bus! I’m not doing bridges.

by bigbootybitches655 June 9, 2022

Gruff Bus

A bus full of retards

Oy Matt look at that bus, it's full of Gruff's must be a Gruff bus

by Gruffboy July 1, 2015

bus blind

The condition of not seeing public transit, specifically the bus, as a viable option for commuting to and from or around a city or metropolitan area.

All of the local media outlets covered parking & driving directions to reach the downtown jazz festival but not one mention of transit because they are bus blind.

by transitdad June 27, 2018

Charter bus

Charter bus: a wonderful air conditioned luxurious bus almost like an airplane so awesome you never want to get off if I had it my way I would ride the bus all day

We are taking the charter bus
Really that is the best thing ever

by Helloooooooooooo1234567890637 April 30, 2019

Ki Bu

Indirect translation from Japanese for Rejoice-In, Happy ever after, Happy ending.

What ever decision you will make, in the end i will be Ki Bu

by Wattahek May 1, 2019

First Bus

A bus company that will never fucking show up.

A: Waiting for bus, due 345678345678923456 mins ago.
B: Calls A
Oy where the fuck are you
A: Bus still hasnt fucking cum, thats first bus for ya

by yesladsss September 26, 2022