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Pulling a Schofield

To "Pull a Schofield", one has to take complete disregard for others feelings - especially close friends and family - in order to facilitate personal gain...thus screwing over your mates

A slight twist on this is the remark "classic schofield" where someone points out that someone has pulled a schofield, and another responds with "classic schofield" this is multi purpose

Will was caught 'Pulling a Schofield' this morning when he told Tom about Tims secret of cracking onto Toms sister. Tim had told him this in strict confidence.

Nikesh found out that Will had 'Pulled a Schofield' when he contacted his account to find out that Will had added himself to their suppliers list instead. Nik found this odd as they were good friends and colleagues.

Tim found Will cracking onto his mum while he was out of the room. He told Mike about this who responded 'Classic Schofield'

by Wills mum September 20, 2012

Pulling a Lucas

Leaving the friend group that play video games every day to sleep and watch anime. When you pull a Lucas you are never heard of again.

Julian is pulling a Lucas, looks like we won’t see him for the next few years.

by FYINOOBS November 7, 2020

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Pulling a Braveyzz

The act of disconnecting from a call on popular voice chatting platforms without announcing your departure.

X:Why did he disconnect without saying goodbye?!

Y: Looks like he was pulling a braveyzz

by boobiemaista6996 November 13, 2020

pulling a Bret

The action of doing a Bret consists of seeing a message, ignore it, and respond 3 days later.

"Damn it! John is pulling a Bret on me! He's not responding to any of my messages!"

by Darkos.exe December 4, 2021

to pull a Maleficent

to gatecrash a party or an event in a spiteful manner, named after the evil fairy (also named Maleficent) in "Sleeping Beauty"

"I'm worried my ex is going to pull a Maleficent and ruin the party."

by The Jarvmeister September 17, 2009

pulling a morrison

the act of making a foolish, ill conceived plan and following through with it anyways. Pulling a Morrison usually results in widespread failure and humiliation.

Mike: Did you hear what John did yesterday?

Friendship Gnome: What did he do?

Mike: After unsuccessfully trying to urinate in a cup, in a moving vehicle, he decided the best idea was to hang the soiled pants outside the window to dry.

Friendship Gnome: Did it work?

Mike: Well considering it was the middle of night and they were driving on a freeway, no it did not. Rejecting the advice of his friends, he ended up with pants that were not only wet, but also extremely cold.

Friendship Gnome: Thats just like him, always pulling a morrison.

by Estruncion Alharado Ramirez May 31, 2008

to pull a jake

verb; to act or behave like a retard in more than one way

to pull a jake: "Man, I got banned on LS-RP for sharing my account. I pulled a jake..."

by gundus February 12, 2016