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This is shitty and life IS shitty and things are just controlled by some bullshit and some fuckton of damn shitload. Fucking hell and shitty is the word for that SHIT. Now get out your Fucking HW and do ur fuckton of Fucking work! Thats what the fucking teachers say! Get your ficking guns and start killing people. Now fuck yea!PIS THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE!!!

Hey teacher! Your shitty!
Teacher: Your a motherfucking son of a bitch

by Fy625 August 24, 2019



Dude, that Variety Show was shitty!

by Djdjejejd7d December 8, 2020


A shittie is a term fo driving your car fast is a circle causing the back end to kick out. Typically done in snow or bad driving conditions for ease of manuver

Guy one:Yo wanna go whip dole shitties tonight?
Guy 2: hell yea brother yee yee!

by Turnerapples November 14, 2019


A blunt of marijuana laced with cocaine.

"Hey Ordel, lets smoke that shitty.

by THEponder March 12, 2010


A pair of unsatisfying titties, probably an A or B-cup, or if they sag down to the knees

Fuckboi 1 "Damn i slept with Jessica last night"

Fuckboi 2 "Did she have dem titties"

Fuckboi 1 "More like shitties, they were max a 32-A"

by EvanIsAScene February 1, 2016


admit it, you just wanted to see the ad say "get a shitty mug for your friend" or "get the shitty neck gator and mug". Don't worry, i put it in all lowercase to make it funnier i got u m8.

person 1: heheh i'm gonna type shitty on urban dictionary
person 2: lmao it's gonna be so funny
ad: get shit gator thing nyehhhhh
person 1&2: *wheezing*

by Urban dick down the street June 2, 2021


When a car you're driving gets out of shape and is near uncontrollable. All you can do is panic trying to save it yelling "Shit!Shit!Shit!"

Easy on the throttle or it's going to get really shitty

by Professionalfunhaver September 21, 2020