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de anza college

A community college in Cupertino, California established in 1967 with affiliations with Foothill College. Unofficially, the "Harvard" of all community colleges because of the rate students transfer to UCs or CSUs. Lots of international students, FOBs, and hot girls. It has the Flint Center and its own Planetarium and is currently a smoke-free campus. Overall, it's a pretty chill school.

Two notorious incidents happened here, first one being an averted columbine-style shooting by a student named Al DeGuzman who was caught when he tried to print out pictures of himself with his guns, at Longs Drugs. The second incident is the protest against Colin Powell, where protestors were being beaten by riot police.

Foothill Student: Foothill College is better than De Anza College!

De Anza Student: Your face!

*Foothill student runs away crying*

by bayareaninja August 18, 2006

65👍 14👎

Club Des Jeunes

v,n- to fondle the genitals (to have a massive wank)
Abbr- CDJ,Club.

1. I need a club des jeunes.
2. I just had an excellent, explosive club.
2. That is some fine clubbin' lady.
4.Did you have a CDJ last night?

by Isaac December 19, 2004

21👍 3👎

Havre de Grace

Havre de Grace, Maryland, or HdG, is a city located on the edge of the meeting point of the Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River in Harford County. Known for its diversity,affordable living,down-to-earth residents and a small-town with the heart of a big city, its population is estimated at 18,000 as of 2007 and is classified as a part Urban and part Suburban community (mind you, in this instance suburban does not mean soft...), with most the community equally divided racially and economically, giving it a unique mix of culture. It has 5 public schools and includes both middle and lower class housing, but with the construction of Bulle Rock, it's upper class population will probably soon be increasing a bit. Havre de Grace includes several tourist attractions, a beautiful view of the bay and river, a unique oppertunity in housing and culture, a hospital, and 4 public parks along the shoreline. Great place to live, considering it's not as boring as it may seem due to it's size, for the density makes up for it.

On the darker side, however, Havre is probably the only small town where you can get mugged just as easily in the good old upper-class communities as in central downtown. Be warned if you're an idiot and plan to move there. As recent as the July 4 carnival of 2006, there was a riot that disturbed the event, and gang activity is present to some amount, so you get the picture.

"Where you wanna go today?"
-"Uhmm...shit how bout Havre de Grace?"
"Aight, then we can go down route 40 to aberdeen afterwards."

by TheManOfAll April 2, 2007

102👍 25👎


The first owners to have purchased or built homes in a housing development. Though not always living in an actual cul-de-sac, these persons or families do tend to over-pal around, especially during social holidays like the US 4th of July or Labor Day. The cul-de-clique's members typically control production and distribution of pool keys, and direct important neighborhood events such as the Easter Egg Roll and the Independence Day Bicylce Parade.

Our cul-de-clique upgraded the neighborhood Halloween celebration this year to include the passing out of candy by the local fire department's pumper truck. Whatever.

by Kenny Snowball January 8, 2008

TĂȘte de gland

French-Canadian expression meaning “dick head”. Often used to insult someone or used as a joke to make fun of them. French Canadians can use it without anyone suspecting anything.

Pourquoi des Ă©cureuils t’on courru au derriĂšre? Parce que t’a un esti d’tĂȘte de gland
Viens tu juste de fesser dans mon char tĂȘte de gland?!

by Youngfeather November 20, 2018

Rata de vecindad

Hood Rat

Teresa Chaves is a rata de vecindad.

AĂ­da a Teresa (maldita rata de vincindad!)

by Tallassmexican October 9, 2018

pĂŁo de queijo

A common food item in Brazil. It consists of bread rolls baked with cheese which are light and buttery. The name translates to "cheese bread."

Mike: I like pĂŁo de queijo because I like to eat breads.
Jim: You never went to Brazil, Mike.

Mike: What do you know, Jim?

by jacrispy vulcano is my mom January 19, 2018