If you r an Ella w/ a last name that starts w/ g, YOU ARE SOOOOO VERY MEAN!
blonde girls wit’s good tits for feeling . often really stupid . they act all inocent but deep down they are horny slags who have sent pictures of the areas to many guys . don’t be fooled though she is gorgeous
look at her
bro she must be ella beddows
What you must say to your friend every time he cracks a joke, or simply to rub some syrup in his waffle shaped wounds. Can only be used on a friend who's one true love moved away to Europe.
Frank: "Bro I saw this cute girl the other day, fat ass too"
Devin: "Bro, her nose was fatter"
Harrie-Ella’s are the most adorable people on earth! They make you laugh with their funny jokes and even when they’re just trying to have a normal conversation. They mispronounce words but then make it the norm in the family. Harrie-Ella’s always come out with the craziest things and you NEVER expect what they can say next. Even when they’re young, they swear like crazy!!
If you have a Harrie-Ella in your life, you’re very lucky
Person: why do you say bag shop? what is that?
Other person: oh, it’s what my little cousin Harrie-Ella calls the kebab place