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followthrough hang-out

When you hang out with someone one day, usually at some sort of event later in the evening, then proceeding to hang out with them at 1 pm the next day because you have nothing better to do.

After snowboarding Friday, Bill and Bob had a followthrough hang-out Saturday.

by 100percentgiuseppe February 12, 2011

Rio Hang Over

You goto Rio De Janeiro and party like a rock star for a few weeks. When you set foot back to America, the women are just not the same. Being used to hot super model like women from Rio, American women are plainly put in one word, Fat and Ugly.

I'm in Hollywood club:

Fat American- "What is wrong?"

Me- Pondering my thoughts on why I came back to America??

Fat American- "Hello, Hello???"

Me- I'm soo depressed, look at these fat chicks everywhere. They are clueless.

Fat American- "Hello, Hello???"

Me- I must have Rio Hang Over??

by jmar42 March 3, 2008

Hang up a mirror

Sleeping with coworker

I have to go to my co-workers house to hang up a mirror

by Heyitsme09 August 19, 2020

Low Hanging Testicles

When your balls are below your knees.

You seen Johns Bollocks?
He got some Low Hanging Testicles

by bollock-tugger November 27, 2021

Hang Over Day

The day after new years eve.
where everyone has a hangover from breaking in the new year with alcohol.

Man 1: So what are you doing for Hang Over Day?

Man 2: Sleeping.

by Damien Johnson January 1, 2008

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Dirty Hanging Wedgie

When you tell your friends you've gotta go take a dump and they grab you, take all your clothes except your underwear, tie you up and hang you from a tree or anything high, and leave you to crap and or pee all over yourself. when your underwear finally rip and you fall on your butt and get crap all over your back. Best if victim has boxer briefs or tighty whities

When my brother was a ninth grader he kept mouthing me.
He got up to go to the restroom so i grabbed him. He knew what I was doing because i had told him about it once.He screamed,"No, No, not a Dirty Hanging Wedgie." I took all his clothes, forced him put on a pair of his old tighty whities, tied his feet and legs with duct tape, and Hung him from the top of our tether-ball pole. I then used the duct tape to make sure he wouldn't slip off. His feet were dangling three feet of the ground. He was up there for 4 hours and wound up crapping himself twice and peed once, before his tighty whities ripped. When he came in he had crap all up and down his back, and was dripping pee everywhere. He hasn't mouthed me since.

by CZwrestler37 June 4, 2009

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Facebook Hang up

You are chating with your friend when; boom they are gone! No good bye, Mauh or kiss my ass. Nothing at all! At this point in time you are like WTF, wondering if there connection was bad or something happen to them? You sit there dazed and confused just to find out your "Friend" is an ass and does not feel like typing good bye. The term for this type of individual is Facebook douche bag...

Kelly's Friend is such a Facebook douche bag; she always Facebook Hang up on her.

by Scotty B the facebook G May 4, 2009

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