The insult to end all insults. Only to be used when at DEFCON 1. Potential to end the entire universe.
Kim Jong-Un: Donny I’m finna nuke America bih
Donald J Trump: Ur bro a ho
Kim Jong-Un: *head explodes, entire military combusts, North Korea blown off the face of the earth, giant black hole consumes andromeda galaxy*
worst then ur sister a mister,ur dad lesbian, ur mum gay, ur grandpap a trap & ur granny a tranny
rob: Yo! ur mum gay lol
intellectual: ur dad lesbian tho
rob: haha ur granny a tranny
intellectual: and ur grandpap is a trap
intellectual: ur bro a ho.
rob explodes into small pieces of contagious gay and everyone dies except for the intellectual.
the response 4 yr old fuckhards on xbox live send you
me: 360 noscopes kids
4yr old fuckhard: ur maum gae
Worse than all the insults in the entire universe
A new hentai video uploads to pornhub every time you use this phrase
Sandy: uR mOm GaY, uR dAd LeSbIaN, AND uR gRaNnY tRaNnY lil boi
Amy: ur papa pansexual
Sandy: *cries loudly*
Big ass is a way of saying dumbass or idiot
It was created by rack00nz in a PS4 party
Whilst he was playing call of duty cold war.
"Isn't Brazil in Africa?"
"Ur such a big ass bro"
"Shut the fuck up you big ass"
"This girl just rejected me"
"Yeah cause ur a big ass"
An insult to describe people who are lacking in some form of intelligence
Completely Surpasses the powers of small insults like "Ur mom gay", "Ur daddy lesbian", "Ur granny tranny", and "Ur grand-pap a trap". Even the thought of using the insult grants the insultee 20 extra chromosomes. Expelling this enchantment from your vocal cords immediately implodes into a blackhole which eradicates the known and unknown universe and creates a new big bang at which life itself is recreated with the only species being gay moms.
"Get out of here you fucking faggot!"
*gains 20 chromosomes*
"Ur fetus deletus-"
*imploding noises as black hole manifests through the insultee's anus*