The act of telling someone that u can't do a task this week but maybe u can do it nxt week
Bobby: Hey Billy can u help me choke the chicken today.
Billy: Naw, Not this week but maybe next week.
Bobby: Aw, ok i'll just wait
it almost never fails. within 2 weeks of a break up, your ex hits you up either apologizing, begging for you back, or just saying their final goodbye
did you hear? emma was right about the 2 week rule. josh texted her last night.
A conglomeration and equalization of the many Beat a furry, and Hug a furry days
3F stands for:
Fight - to attack furries
Flirt - to care for furries
Flight - to run
From November 27 to December 4 You may either beat or hug a furry, though there will be consequences.
If you are to beat a furry/furries, you MUST hug that furry/furries as soon as midnight strikes, the more you attack the furries the longer you will have to hug them.
But, if you are to only hug furries, you WILL become a viable target and other non-furries shall now be allowed to beat you too, you may fight back, but you will probably be overpowered.
If you do not want to suffer any of these consequences, you have the option to simply run away and not participate for the whole week.
A: Why did you buy a hazmat suit?
B: Because it's nearly 3F FURRY WEEK! And I do not want to interact with those people.
A: Oh.
From December 21st to December 27th every discord user must praise the owner. This lasts one week and the discord users can’t do anything about it.
Did you know that it’s Praise the Owner Week on Discord?
When you stay up on a friday doing gear and completely miss saturday
Yeah i got that smashed i completely missed saturday.
Ahh you had a leap week
English (UK) expression. Virtually never used in the US. Meaning a week from Wednesday.
I’m hoping to forget this whole nightmare by wednesday week
Slamgma Week is an apocalyptic event of calamitous proportions that begins on every 25th of December and ends on the 1st of January; During this event, everyone on Earth is Slammed to Hell and back, and by the end of it, 1/10th of the total population gets transformed into Slamgma clones by force.
Despite not ending the world, Slamgma Week is considered an apocalyptic event thanks to the massive changes to the status quo it always causes.
"Slamgma Week soon. Here I come." -Slamgma