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L spawn

the birth of a person in an unfavorable environment. It can also mean characteristics that are unattractive to society, which a person did not choose, such as a name or height

"John?! Imagine you being born and named as John.. Unlucky bro, L spawn" – SchroedingerLee

by May 9, 2023

Yellow L

Learner driver license in australia, as the sign is a yellow L.

"hey frank ya will need 50hrs practices to upgrade ya yellow L.

by 魔法少女达达 March 24, 2022

L currency

Means you have no money, you are poor. People might also call you poverty.

Guy 1: Hey man can you buy me this bag of chips?

Guy 2: Nah dog, I ain’t got money.

Guy 1: Bro has L currency.

by everestbros February 9, 2023


Le-l is lie-la form mlb and a ie-l a person who is a BIG FAT LIER and should live in a trash can.

Ie-l is a big fat idiot.

by Why are you here -_- May 22, 2021


depressed & lonely

i’ve been to myself bout being d&l

by BumStatusYo November 27, 2018

Nina L.

The name Nina has several possible origins and meanings, depending on the cultural and linguistic origin. Here are some possibilities:

- In Italian and Spanish, Nina is a short form of the name Giovanna or Giannina, meaning "God is gracious."
- In Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, Nina means "fire."
- In Slavic mythology, Nina is the goddess of night and darkness.
However, if one meets a truthful Nina L., one does not think of night or darkness at all. Rather, her friendly charisma and smile reminds you of a sunrise. Her appearance usually stands out and she likes to experiment though she herself is often insecure in this regard.
A Nina has a complex character and even if you think you know her well, she is still a mystery to friends in some situations.
Attention. It is not recommended to annoy or hurt a Nina. Mistakes made unintentionally must be recognized by yourself and you must do your best to make up for them. But all the efforts are worth it, because a Nina L. is an incredible friend, once won as a friend you will not want to let her go.

Such a Nina may even seem a bit arrogant from the outside, but everyone who knows her can testify that she is not and is often a bit insecure and does not show this openly. Nevertheless, she remains one of the strongest women known.
Her traits include: friendly, polite, humorous, sweet, trustworthy, kinky, open, mature, and much more.
If you find such a mystical creature, you must treat her well with both caution and humor

Gibs asea Nina wirklich?
Jo asea Nina L. gibt obo sie isch einmalig.
Wo konn man se finden?
Antreffn konn man a Nina L ban Shoppen, Ratschen, Telefonieren, ban Weißen Kreuz und als kloano Geheimtipp a afa Jugendosterfeier.

by Anonym2--4 May 5, 2023


L-Sip or "Liquor Sip" is a term used to describe when a person(s) consumes hard alcohol directly from the bottle. Multiple L-Sips in a row is known as "L-Sippin or Liquor Sippin". Liquor sippin is probably one of the easiest, quickest, and most bad ass way to get hammered. Taking one L-Sip is also useful in determining whether or not your an alcoholic. If you dont puke you should probably stop drinking.

Party Guest 1: Man, check out that guy, hes bin L-sippin all night. Hows he still standing!?
Party Guest 2: I dont know man but hes making us look like pussies!

by Earl White October 3, 2013