On this date you have to give money to a person that his name starts with H
Person 1: her give me money
Person 2 : why?
Person 1: because it is October 22 and u have to give me money because my name starts with H
Person 2 : ok
It’s national skip Practicum day
October 22 is Defined as getting to skip any Practicum
Me “No, Hope. I will not be at Practicum today.”
Hope “Why not?”
Me “It’s national Skip Practicum Day”
Hope “If you’re not here, Pastor Blake will be having a meeting with you”
National CAPS LOCK DAY!!!
(has nothing to do with the capitols)
National tell that substitute that they missed Joe.
Substitute- is that all the students
Student- you missed Joe
Everyone else- :o
Subsitube- who's Joe?
Student- well, you wanna know who she is
Subsitube- yes, I care for all my students, but Joe is a she?
Student- her full name is Joe Mama
Substitute- I'm writing you an MIR, PS74, AND A CALL HOME!!!
!!Once in a lifetime chance- only in October 22!!
Slap the kid who missed school yesterday.
Ky:”why is everyone slapping me?”
Everyone:”because it is October 22 and you missed school yesterday!”
Slap the kid who skipped school yesterday day. You can slap the midget looser who skipped school yesterday as much as you want without getting in trouble.
Ky:”why is everyone slapping me”
Everyone:”because It’s October 22 and you are a midget looser who missed school yesterday”