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Cool guys

People who don't look at explosions, as defined in The Lonely Island's song Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions.

Cool guys don't look at explosions; they blow things up and then walk away. Who's got time to watch an explosion? There's got cool guys errands that they have to walk to.

by MacCoinneach June 29, 2010

66πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

tre cool

An amazing drummer, plays for the incredibley genious band Green Day.

Tre cool got his name when a guy named Egg plant said "Frank, your Tre cool".

by Anonymous September 18, 2003

161πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Tre Cool

1. The drummer from Greenday
2. Major European slang for something that is beyond cool.

1. "I heard Tre Cool Is Davey Havok's bitch"
2. "That movie last night was tre cool"

by Sadie March 17, 2005

68πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

Cool Ranched

Similar to a "Dirty Sanchez" this is when a man takes his finger and slides it between his thigh and nut sack, then applies the film to someone's upper lip, which has a smell similar to Cool Ranch Doritos.

The smell intensifies as the day grows hotter...

Harrison: Man, it's pretty fucking hot out today!
Odell: Yea, someone is getting Cool Ranched fo sho.
Harrison: Cool Ranched?
Odell: (performs the devious act on Harrison)
Harrison: Ugh! Sick dude!...yet it does smell like Cool Ranch Doritos! BONUS!

by teh eXodus June 30, 2009

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

cool points

measuring stick used to rank a person on popularity, points can be gained or lost depending on what you do.

when you trip UP the stairs, you lose mega cool points!!

by Will-I-Am April 3, 2005

60πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

cool boots

adj. The state of something being very cool and agreeable.

Hanging out with those hippies certainly was cool boots for the time being but their cult-like tendencies really freaked me out.

by Kaworu July 1, 2004

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Cool guy

Never needs an introduction. Life of the party. He leads everyone follows. Guys want to be him while their girls try to be with him. The bad boy. The one mom warned you about. The heartbreaker. The backdoor man. The best of most.

Hey Mr Cool Guy, is it still 16 to 60? Nope it’s 19 to 90.

by Shanranae August 20, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž