Source Code


When your standing around with either one or both elbows tucked into your side, arms straight, wrist and fingers curled down to the floor.

Lily was standing in the kitchen talking to her mother, unaware that she was T-Rexing with both arms.

by PNPBOI October 18, 2015

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

AT&T Tilt

Underated PDA That Shits On The iPhone. (This of course is taking into consideration that you have a brain and hacked the phone via SIM unlocking and rom flashing).

Often carried around by Ruthless Thugs and/or Extremely Handsome Mothafuckers with incredible swag.

Not to be confused with any other shitty PDA. You can spot this by it's 45ยฐ screen tilting capability.

Douchebag: "Hey uh, what kind of phone is that"

Me: HTC Kaiser, "AT&T Tilt"

Douchebag: "That's Pretty Cool, I've Got The Best Phone Out Though"

Me: "Oh really.. you piece of shit, why's that"

Douchebag: "I dunno, it's just the best, check out the touchscreen, and I have youtube"

Me: "That's nice fag, so do I. -- I also play super nintendo, nintendo, sega genesis, gameboy, super gameboy, and neo geo on my phone, what the fuck does yours do again? -- oh by the way, what's it like watching youtube on the edge network. Dick Face"

Douchebag: "Dude... Does Your Phone Come Like That, How Much Did It Cost, Wanna Fuck My Girlfriend And My Sister?, Can I Suck Your Dick? Wanna Hang Out?"

Me: "Fuck You"

by Obie One July 23, 2008

34๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Japanese fusion jazz band. They recently (2004) celebrated their 25th anniversary and have over 20 albums, including several collaborations with jazz artists from across the world. One of their albums, Megalith, was released in an overseas version outside of Japan.

"Have you heard the new T-Square album?"

by Misty De Meo May 26, 2004

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Daniel T

A total retard. This guy doesnโ€™t know anything. Heโ€™s mentally a 6 year old. Heโ€™s the fattest shit youโ€™ve ever met and is morbidly obese. Heโ€™s condescending and quite frankly and absolute asshole.

Daniel T is the dumbest and fattest guy most people have ever met.

by Skanky the whale March 3, 2019

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


a woman who has an athelitic build and yet maintains her good looks .

A good looking woman with big breasts.
A good looking woman bodybuilder
(this term is generally a term used by
men with perverted minds )

by Hef June 21, 2005

305๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pronunciation: \Tee-Mak \

Function: Intransitive Verb

Etymology: Originating in Ajax Ontario

The act of utilizing one's charm and wit combined with their natural good looks to cause any desired female to be so overwhelmed with arousal that they instantaneously become DFA. (Down for Anything) Normally used to describe the most miraculous of hook-ups.

A. Travis- "Has that Mormon broad put out for you yet?"
Hayden- โ€œI was beginning to lose hope, but last night I T-Macโ€™d that chastity belt straight off her.โ€

B. Hayden- โ€œHow was the club last night?โ€
Travis- โ€œWell... from what I recall I legit T-Macโ€™d this hotty in front of everyone. By the end of the night my shirt was ripped open, I had scratch marks on my chest and a hickey on my right nipple... At 2 am. it was clear she was def DFA.โ€

by Omni64 February 22, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Very small, minuscule, little, dwarf, of little consequence.

As ungenerous as she was, she cut me a t-tiny slice of pie.

by Metta Belle June 6, 2015