Source Code

10 1

"Ten-One", used most often when an officer is being received poorly on the radio.

Person1: He's running around the rear of the building.

Person2: 10 1, say again.

by Solja May 8, 2006

21๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jan 10

this is a national day a dumb bitch who's mentally unstable is born. this dumb bitch hasanger issues and can't control herself and actually has problems that can't be fixed. the person needs canceling.

Damn bruh that bitch was born Jan 10, her mind unstabled

by ourrtttt October 17, 2019

52๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 20

1. 10 minutes of pleaseure 20 years of pain(Jail)
2. Jailbait

Guy1:Goddam that bitch is fine
Guy2:Shes 16
Guy3:(imitating a police man) we got a 10 20 in progress
Guy4:who the fuck says 10 20?

by Charlie Hy November 7, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

June 10

People born june 10th are crackheads but we love them

Oh did you hear she was born June 10th
Wow thats crazy

I know man

by Hellobyotches December 7, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A way to describe heroin while being discreet. Created when someone mispronounced Halloween as Herroween

Yo you ready for 10/31

by wantsalltoknow May 17, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


10% percent loyal 90% grimy

I'm on my 10/90 shit nigga

by Brystalbanks November 21, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

10 Commandments

1- Thou shall have no other CoDs before Modern Warfare 4.

2- Don't take the Lord's heroin through your veins.

3- Remember the Sabbath so thee knows when it's time to report for work like a good sheep.

4- Honor thy father & thy mother or else they'll Exodus 21 thy ass.

5- Thou shall not grill.

6- Thou shall not Neflix & chill. Except the Sabbath.

7- Even though Boomer's ruined the economy and didn't give thee a chance, don't steal unless it's from the government.

8- Thou shall not Peepin' Tom thy neighbor.

9- Thou shall not shove it in thy neighbor's wife.

10- actually leave your fuckin neighbor alone.

Don't forget to blindly follow any and all doctrines or manifests that your parents tell you to, especially the 10 commandments.

by Mud0Day October 14, 2020

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