What people who have no life do on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook.
"Dude, I'm going to go make some Clown Threats to scare everyone!"
Ejaculating at a distance, scoring a perfect bullseye into an awaiting, open mouth. Similar to the classic carnival game in which one shoots a stream of water into a clown's maw, enlarging a balloon until it bursts.
Make her kneel down and say ahh. Then take a step back and shoot the clown.
Clown Jockey: a controlling douche bag boss who's secret to success is a big joke around the workplace.
Anyone whose success is built on lies and deceit.
Clown Jockey is a Boss, a manager, mid-level douchebags, but never the underdog.
A Clown Jockey appears confident and may be successful, but he/she sucks at life (and is generally clueless of the fact.)
"clown jockey douchebag!"
A Clown Jockey may be anyone who is too pathetic to ride in the clown car, so he/she must ride the clown.
"listen, you clown jockey(s), this is my two week notice"
"My clown jockey boss has no idea what the managers are getting away with, here."
"This whole place is run by out-of-touch, corporate clown jockeys."
Clown Jockey can be used in conjunction with douchebag, i.e: "Clown Jockey Douchebag"
A person who acts like a clown and a fool and can't be taken seriously. They don't think things through and end up making stupid and absurd decisions.
'Did you hear, Trump said that the moon is part of mars.'
'He has such clown energy.'
Noun. AKA Paleto Payasa.
A person who dates a man with so many red flags, it makes them a clown on a stick for doing so. Naturally, the stick to this clown being courtesy of the man in question.
Named after the Mexican marshmallow snack on a stick; Paleto Payasa.
"Ah, that stick seems to have found its clown."
"Before you tell me more about him, let's set the vibe. Do you want me to run to the store for some vodka and facepaint real quick? I hear some clown on a stick aspirations coming through."
Described as a fast walker who wears very extravagant clothing, such as that of a clown. Usually wearing vibrant colored shoes and lipstick. A kiss-up in all major classes, particularly chemistry. While walking in the halls, be sure to avoid her quick steps or you'll surely be run over.
Mary-Kate, the original Clown Racer.
Clown tweeting is the act of quote tweeting someone and making a nasty dunk on them which leaves them seen as a clown.
A: Did you see that stupid tweet yesterday?
B: Yeah, clown tweeting it gave me 2K likes and 355 retweets.