A educational website run by a multimillionaire bell-end known as colin hegarty. He is the cause of suicidal lessons and straining all of your blood, toil, tears and sweat into a fucking equation
Hegarty Maths gave me diphtheria last night
Math class may often be mistaken for math yet they are in fact very different.
Math on one hand is extremely useful for life skills and job requirements and to succeed in the future... While math class is filled with 90% hot garbage and homework that we have to waste 25 out of 24 hours in our day to complete! ):<
1. You’re almost as bad as math class!
2. You’re so mean! When you die you’re going to math class!
3. Were you born in math class or something! You’re so evil!
Depending on your cleverness, Math class could be a place of learning and enlightenment. If you have a crappy teacher however, this WILL be a place of doing the dumb shit that you would rather do instead. Like for instance, playing games, throwing stuff, play UNO, scream at the top of your lungs, draw on the whiteboard, freestyle raping, ETC. You will not learn anything in this scenario and you will fail the class because the teacher still assigns a test the next day, but it is worth it.
Peter: You ready to do DUMSHIT in math class today!?
Emmit: HELL YEAH!!!!!
A fucking hell hole where you waste an hour of your time to make x and y go to the train station. Oh Suzie rode her bike 12 miles in 12 days how many miles did she did in a day. Shits retarted
I have a math class after this.
A cruel and unusual form of torture administered by sadistic educators, designed to measure a student's ability to solve complex mathematical problems under intense pressure. Often characterized by its daunting length, lack of mercy, and its ability to induce anxiety, despair, and self-doubt.
In some cases, math finals are used to determine a student's academic fate, leading to feelings of dread and hopelessness. Students who survive the ordeal often emerge traumatized, with a newfound appreciation for the power of calculators and a deep-seated fear of numbers and Greek symbols.
I thought I was prepared for the maths final, but as soon as I saw the first question, I literally died.
The usage of an improper mathematical formula or spontaneous number crunching usually caused by a sudden lapse in a student or mathematician's mind.
Dave: "That linear equation exam sucked this morning."
Roberto: "Fo sho, homey. I totally had a head full of math salad!"
Dave: "Tavern tonight?"
Roberto: "Damn straight!"
A maths munch refers to someone who adores and is very passionate about maths. They ‘munch’ up any sort of maths work , and very often try to incorporate maths into every activity they do, and attend before and after school maths clubs. Maths munches can communicate telepathically with eachother, sharing their equations, but the majority of maths munches are lone wolves who enjoy to lurk in the shadows. Anything below 90 percent is considered a fail for a maths munch, and they have to go into hiding after this. A food that helps the maths munch brain is chocolate and tuna, which is well known amongst the maths munches as a sacred meal. The original maths munch is a boy named Leon who adores maths with his whole heart ❤️
“Did you see Leon the other day?”
“No i didn’t, he was in 24 hour maths camp”
“What a maths munch!”