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Wall Gremlin

A person who continually leaves unwanted posts on your Facebook wall.

"Hey Stacy, I saw that Jim left another post on your wall this morning."

"Yeah, I know. That's his third this week. He's such a wall gremlin."

"Go Bengals!"

by CarthOnasi April 7, 2007

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People with their electronic device(s) plugged in to the wall at a public place, usually at an airport or convention hall.

Check out all those wall-suckers at terminal 4, they must have a long flight ahead of them.

by totalee April 2, 2013

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wall of white

An obnoxious term used to describe a heavy snowfall.

They say its a wall of white!

by keeena February 13, 2008

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hegs wall

Laughably bad, random, or ridiculous resumes and other notes that people send into film production offices. Usually displayed on an office wall for the amusement of all.

David became highly embarassed when he saw his resume pinned up on the hegs wall next to an inmate's love letter to the child actor, a synopsis to an adult film called "Toy Story," and a picture of everyone in the office posing with a carboard cutout of Dean Cain as Superman.

by JP February 26, 2005

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Blue Walls

When a female gets blue balls

โ€œDamnnnn did you hear Maddie got blue walls.โ€

by Therealabdiali December 1, 2018

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Wall Scrolling

When you are idle in Facebook and keep scrolling to beat boredom.

Finally, I am done with my exams and I have got no other job other than Wall Scrolling

by Moulish Rated - R Punk February 22, 2015

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Wet Walling

The sensation a male experiences during sexual intercourse with a female, ie; when he feels the wet walls inside a vagina with his dick.

'I had a right good wet walling session with the slut next door'

'I'm gonna give the missus the best wet walling of her life'

by Debradelish January 16, 2010

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