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Like a person u go out with and y'all dating ♥️ some make love

Everybody got a bae except for me

by 🤑frmblck February 2, 2022


Simple sweet word used by most couple who're in love and it's alternatively means the same as baby or babe.

I miss you, bae.

by Willian Maria Divade December 8, 2014


BAE- Barking At Emails

My dog is BAE

by RohenTahir July 11, 2017


Before anyone else (BAE). Your first love, so to speak.

She's my bae.

by JumpyBurger9 January 14, 2015


Bae is a word that is a nickname in the new generation

Devontae:that’s my bae

by Love_bug234 March 7, 2018


The guy im lowkey in love with i want forever

Yo brad he’s my bae, he’s the one.

by Smiles;)) December 16, 2017


A creator who people don't find amusing but the internet finds the word as a compliment word as "Cute"

A:That girl is such a bae
B:she must be a horrible game creator then

by Springy the lock April 5, 2018