Kids from brick township NJ are typically suburban and not hood yet most act it. A lot of the kids from old brick are mostly kids who try to act hood or ghetto by any means necessary. They vape and smoke very excessively because they want to seem like they’re older or more mature when that’s never the case. A lot of fights breakout in the highschool because many of the kids are trying to prove something or desperate for attention or other kids to thing they’re big. Most brick kids are annoying and extremely extra. Like I said they vape a lot and I mean a lot more then most schools. Overall they’re all scumbags.
Hey Amelia didn’t you suck johns dick?
(Amelia) I’ll slap the fuck out you hoe don’t play me like that I’m bout that life I’ll beat the fuck out you with my brick kids ass
If a muscle girl is equivalent to Arnold Schwarzenegger, then a brick chick would be a Bruce Lee.
She might look like a skinny little girl but thats a brick chick dude.
When your dick is hard as shit.
I can't move, I'm sitting on a brick cuz.
to have a closed-door meeting with someone;
origin: a door held open with a brick that is kicked away for privacy
I knew I was in trouble when I went into the boss's office for a kick the brick meeting.
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Another meme lost in the world of 2018.
Guy1: "I'm hitting a wall of self doubt here, she's just so perfect I feel like a brick"
Guy2: "u are a brick"
*Sends picture of a supreme brick*
Guy2: "a supreme brick"
Guy2: "now get that brick laid my dude"
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(n), Singular- A person who does not move at all when kissing or making out; can be flimsy or motionless
"Dang, when I made out with Natie Kickerson, she was such a brick wall. She didn't move an inch!" said Gabe.
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A brick liner is a bad rapper
"Dude, if theres one thing i can't stand, its another brick liner on the radio."
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