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John raymond co

A beautiful boy. Both man and woman want him. People adore his cute and handsome face. He's the funniest. He keeps his coolness. In love he is "numb" he didn't know who really cares for him. This name sigifinies "unravel love" there's a lot of challenges and trial that'll come to find his true love. I love every thing this John raymond co have, no matter what people say. He loves everything. He'll never be afraid of anything. Always be who you are and love yourself first. I love you.

John raymond Co is the best man/boy that I'll ever know.

by Rayro March 7, 2022


Spouse's stepsibling's wife.

My step-co-sister-in-law is a good person.

by Wonbig October 13, 2021


Spouse's stepsibling's wife.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024


A paradigm which states that an object with external symmetry must by definition have internal symmetry (self-symmetry).

Specifically that there is no self-symmetry without internal dualism (contiguous dualism).

Implies that the bijective (operationally tautological) function is co-imperatively contingent (cotingent).

Self-referentializes a cotingent link between contiguity and asymmetry.

Tarski demonstrated an instance of cohomorphism by showing that all contiguous (conformal) surfaces could create a second identical surface by using points from the original conformal surface.

Co-homorphism states that metastructure is symmetric; symmetry is internal; internalism (space) is contiguity; contiguity is conformal; conformalism is bijective; bijectivity is co-imperatively contingent (cotingent); and cotingence is asymmetric.

by sandraxine November 13, 2018


A tiktok cosplayer

"Hey dude ever heard of Lacey._.cos?"
"Yeah dude isnt she the one who wishes anime girls were real?"


by Weebling February 23, 2021

cos she kisses him

a simple phrase often used to fix up a bad call

(insert bad call)........ cos she kisses him.

by frank May 6, 2004

co-co cola phone

the phone that co-co cola made

person 1: i just got the co-co cola phone!!!
person 2: good for you

by minihoot May 7, 2023