Verb; Male: Multiple cream pies to the face on a heave set girl (Girl with muffin top)
Verb: Female; When a heavey female rides a skinny white male and frosts him with her chocolate frosting (bowl movment) and comes at the same time. Creating a swirl frosting effect. Aka Cinnabun
"I would totally cupcake caked on that beefalow right there"
"Hey bro, you wanna cupcake cake that chick with her muffin top hanging out??"
A pink cupcake is a victory over de feet. A phrase uttered when a prostitute is busted by the ones closest to her.
“They got her with that pink cupcake. She can’t even run the streets anymore.”
A pink cupcake is a victory over de feet. A phrase uttered when a prostitute is busted by the ones closest to her.
“They got her with that pink cupcake. She can’t even run the streets anymore.”
1. The phrase used by elderly men when they want to binge watch all the Sharknado movies out of order and guess how the timeline goes.
2. A man's body hair.
3. The slang term for colorful feces.
4. A burnt Arabian woman or horse.
5. Water balloon(s) filled with feces and Skittles. Typically used by American children.
1. 'Hey Todd, wanna do a salted m&m cupcake?'
2. 'Mom, my salted m&m cupcakes grew!'
3. 'Dude, I just had the steamiest salted m&m cupcakes ever!'
4. 'That poor salted m&m cupcake other there has an ear infection! I'm superised that she still has ears. I mean, they're not even visible on her head!'
5. 'My sons were playing with their salted m&m cupcakes. Boy was it chaotic, messy too!'
when you shape your shit into a cupcake and then eat it
(to best friend) "Oh my gawd, you're such a skank-cupcake! I love it!!!!"