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Dot Dot Dotist

A person who over uses and abuses the fill stop. its very frustrating to readers because multiple full stops can lead to a statement being taken the wrong way.

person one: "i had a std test today".
(likely person 2 responses)

"ohh are you all good?"

person one "i had a std test today..."
(likely person 2 responses if person one is a Dot dot dotist)

"um are you all good?"
"should i get one to?"
"am i the reason you got it?"

by VileNZ May 11, 2009

k dot


k dot abby

by kdotapitt February 27, 2020


The sudden, soon to be cured, deadly rash created by a laser scope pointed at ones vital organs attached to a high power rifle or other long range firearm.

Mike: "Some day that Bin Laden will get the red-dot-itch and his problems will be over."

Joe: "Yeah judge I shot him, right after I gave that S.O.B. the Red-dot-Itch from about a hundred yards out."

by yardbug January 22, 2010

The Dot

Nickname for the neighborhood of Dorchester in Boston, Massachusetts.

"yeah i live in the dot"

by nylonthingy October 11, 2023

Ol Dot

also known as a dorris, mum, mom, an Ol dot is just a cool name for your mum or any mum

cant wait, my ol dot is cookin a roast tonight yum yum.

hey paul you coming out tonight?
na me ol dot said ive got to stay in :(

nice weed buh yeah me ol dot got it for me

by dave davids February 5, 2010

Dot-Dot-Dot Situation

When your hanging out with people from the opposite gender, and conversation is flowing very well, leading you to believe/think you have a possibly of getting play later that night.

Raymond noticed that Leandro was shooting his shot at Sheila earlier tonight, and judging by Sheila’s body language, Raymond told his friend William that it seemed like a Dot-Dot-Dot Situation. Leandro popped her cherry 37 minutes later.

by RoflSalts88 September 12, 2023

red dot boat

refers to girls on their periods. Usually only used in conversation between two girls.

"hey Marry, are you on the red dot boat?"

by Contessa in Monterey June 15, 2008