A beautiful girl inside and out. Sticks and stones may break her bones but words will never hurt her because she is proud of who she is and what she has achieved. People can treat her awfully and horridly but she won't care because she has better people to worry about in life than pathetic unimportant ones. This girl loves music and gets very emotional hearing her favourite songs. Treat her with some respect and she will do the same to you.
Tegan drew?
Don't you care if people are mean to you?
Why not?
Because I am who I am and if they don't like that then can get stuffed.
You are an amazing person Tegan drew.
"i dont want to be on urban dictionaries"- Drew Carter
"i dont want to be on urban dictionaries"- Drew Carter
drew is such a amazing kid... he loves sports like football, wrestling, kickball, baseball, and also fishing. if you meet a kid like drew they have such a great personality...... hes very hot to and very smexy and very thicc. a kid name drew can also have a big peen. if you meet a kid like drew then your very lucky.
drew priddy is hella hot i want him.
hot boi swxxy straight? h0tttest man my fav dead?
Wow that guy is sure Drew Rabb.
Hottest guy in the room with a MASSIVE cock. Always really high.
Did you just see that Drew Coleman walk in?
Absolute sped. Very tall and skinny but despite his lanky stature, he is very good at sports. Typically baseball but sometime basketball. A major flirt even though he is such an ugly fuck. Every girl despises him but he just keeps trying.
Basically a fucking parasite to the human existence. Fuck this kid
Person 1-Did you have sexy with Drew Kirby?
Person 2-Yes, his peepee was small
When you have to convince a male usually named drew that he owes for a typo
You was wrong pay the fuck up drew
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