You know what’s up
(A saying from late 1990’s school gym programs in the U.S. which implied that it was a good thing to be athletic.)
Tyler’s effortless charisma keeps him in the loop wherever he goes. He’s that person who just gets it—cool, perceptive, and always ahead of the curve. He embodies the essence of ‘It’s hip to be fit’ in every situation he enters.”
one! after that, it's not empty anymore
Guy 1 on stage: How many apples can fit in an empty basket?
Audience: I don't know
Guy 1: One! After that, it's not empty anymore!
Audience: *Bursts out laughing*
When you rock the fucking brown fake polo wit no boxers or pants butt ass naked
That nigga wearing the squidward fit in his house
Planet Fitness is a "wide" known gym place for fat people to go and workout at and gaining no results in weight loss or muscle growth. But as the name of the gym sounds, can be better used as a form of pun in a sentence.
Guy #1: Hey! I was already waiting for that machine to use after the guy was done using it!
Guy #2: Well I didn't see your name on it.
Guy #1: Doesn't matter it was my turn next on it!
Guy #2: Well what are you going to do about it?
Guy #1: Bro, Imma finna planet fitness foot in yo ass if you don't back off from that machine!
second skin fitting, 'super-slim' fitting jeans for emaciated, daccau, anorexic types...polar opposite of 'relaxed fit'
super model jane went shopping for some tense fit jeans
i layed off the beer, pizza, and shit sammiches and believe i can now wear my new tense fit jeans!!
scoring 15 points in a game of domino's usually after someone else has scored 10 points. Instead of calling out "15 points" one would just slam down their domino and call out "FIT-IT-IN"
"aight, you got 10? well big five (slams down domino) FIT-IT-IN bitches"
“I really want to get into some Fitness”
“Ivy Park is the only thing I wear to do Fitness”
“Fitness makes me let my hair down”