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green jelly

One of the weirdest and best bands there is.

Green Jelly fan: GREEN JELLY SUCKS!

by ELVIS NEVER DID NO DRUGS! January 1, 2006

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khalil greene

Shortstop for the San Diego Padres who went through the minor leagues in only two years.

He must have been good to have made it through the minors that quickly.

by peoria_eugene_fortwayne_lakeelsinore_mobile_portland_sandiego November 5, 2004

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1) adj. - The color that Cisco Systems makes all of it's rack mount-able networking equipment. Darker than Seafoam, but lighter than Hunter.
2) n. - The amount of income one brings in as a result of a Cisco Systems certification.

<Fly-Ass_Mofo_1> Man, I want a cisco-green suit...
<Fly-Ass_Mofo_2> Dude, that'd be Awesome in a Can!

<Rich-Ass_Mofo> w00t! I just passed my CCIE!
<Poor-Ass_Mofo> Bro, you gotta gimme a piece o' that cisco-green...

by Vorondil December 4, 2004

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Harper green

Is a under funded shit hole that all the teachers shag 9 year olds against there will

Sir what you doing tonight

Harper green

Tanning bare bing then bagging Mrs heppingstall

by Ryan Bromley February 16, 2020

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winson green

ghetto area of birmingham

my mate took a gat to winson green and shot up some mans

by Craig \'bud smoke inhaler\' November 4, 2003

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Green door

The Green Door represents, or can be used as a metaphor for something that is hidden or unknown. The green door conceals secrets and truths.

Green Door, whats that secret you're keeping?

Kate: I wonder what their domestic life is like?
Tim: They keep that behind the Green Door.

by Russian ranting October 14, 2017

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green frog

when equal amounts of these 3 alcopops are combined into the 1 glass.

1. a blue vodka drink (red square blue/blue wkd etc)
2. a cloudy white vodka drink with lemon (e.g smirnoff ice)
3. orange bacardi breezer

the combination of the blue, cloudy white + orange makes a cloudy green color

also the mix of flavours along with the different alcohols combine to make a really sweet drink which will also happen to get u drunk very fast.

average joe downed 2 pints of green frog and spewed them all back up in the taxi home.

by Gogseh June 25, 2007

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