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high move

Some stupid action you would perform only under the influence of drugs.

Joe: John smoked some weed yesterday and did cartwheels on the roof for two hours.

James: That was obviously a high move.

by 2014_chiguy April 22, 2007

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violently high

When one is so high that it becomes a pressing matter.

Dude I'm violently high!

by Ukufa April 5, 2016

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Money High

The brief feeling one gets right after finding money (usually a large amount) in their pocket, car, under the bed, etc.

Cooper: "Whoa, dude, how'd you get 70 bucks? Your grandma? lol"

Andy: "Umm, NO man, I found it in my sock drawer, it was such an awesome money high."

by Anna! =) November 27, 2009

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high tale it

High tale it is slang, from the South, which means to leave quickly or get away very fast. Usually used in reference to being caught (with your pants down), and you are in a major hurry!

"This tall, handsome kick-baller left his favorite Irish bar one night, and had to high tale it home because he finally had his one chance sitting next to him...a hot blonde with a gleam in her eye, a cold one in her hand...and a green light!"

by forme2knowJH September 18, 2013

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Lewisburg High

a school with cornbred folks that are rich n hate each other. Only made up of White people that disrespect blacks, and everyone is from the mill.

You from Lewisburg high?o so u must be racist.

by bihburtha January 30, 2019

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Lincoln High

A highschool in the most miserable town in the U.S. People who think that Lincoln is ghetto are fucking retarded and if they actually went there they would realize that the gangsters are as fake as the staff and while your trying to count the fake gang tattoos people wear there you also catch yourself counting the days left of being on this god-forsaken campus

Why are you smoking before school?

Thats the only way to do it at Lincoln High man

by sippinonmedicine December 17, 2010

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post high

The feeling you get after you've come down from your high.

This, in relation to marijuana, is usually a very mild happiness, and very rare. Mostly achieved once you've been very high, or just gotten high for the first time. It's usually accompanied by a very easy going sense of perception.

Man, it's been hours since I got high, but I'm still feeling really good.

Yeah, that's post high.

by roksar May 31, 2009

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