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Hipster Arrest

When hipsters intentionally try to get arrested being "political"/"occupying" a Street!

Joey wore Duct tape around his wrists to the OCCUPY rally in case the handcuffs chaffed his wrists in a "hipster arrest".

by Bettie Johnson October 17, 2011

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Price Hipster

(n.) Somebody who always has the better price or better deal on an item than you no matter how cheap you got it for. This type of person also seems to get the hottest and most popular items out long before their release somehow.They think very highly of themselves because of this and they frequently belittle those who bought items at a higher price than they did.

Suzie Q: "Wow I got such a sweet deal on my new 32 in. LED TV that I got today! $200 bucks what a steal!"

Joe Schmo:"HAHA! loser I got that same TV you had for only $130 and that was 2 weeks before it came out. You got ripped the hell off and you should shop better and get good deals like me."

Suzie Q: "Joe, you're fucking annoying. Stop being such a Price Hipster nobody gives a rat's ass about how much of a better deal you got."

by MagicMann January 25, 2013

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Hipster Heaven

Another name for the Brooklyn, NY neighborhood Williamsburg. Can also encompass areas of Bushwick.

The area is over-run with art school types who live in outrageously over-priced apartments that Mommy and Daddy pay for so that all extra cash can be spent at Urban Outfitters or other hipster paraphernalia merchants.

John: hey you wanna meet me for a drink near my apartment?
Alice: hell no man, you live in hipster heaven! I could be assaulted by a disgruntled Urban Outfitters employee!

by Roflmfaololgtfo February 11, 2010

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hipster or scenester

Conformists within a sub-culture who dress alike and have similar tastes who mock folks in other subcultures for being conformists and lacking originality.

All the hipster kids go to that bar to surround themselves with folks who are also wearing the same "original" look.

by T-Racy January 6, 2004

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hipster fart


a bodily gaseous discharge air-trapped in skinny jeans, and only noticed once the skinny jeans are peeled off.

<scene>hipster taking off pants</scene>

Whoa, what's that smell? did I just fart? I don't remember--Oh, it must have been my fart from noon, which was trapped in my skinny jeans. silly me.

I can't believe I hipster farted. How tres embarra-silly.

by B. Dang November 13, 2009

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Hipster cool!

Referring as the person your talking to meaning You look cooler than ever or you calling them Cool as a hipster guy! This saying isn't offensive at all!

Joe: Dude i look so out of fashion with this wear!

Person: Dude, what are you talking about you look hipster cool!

by hipsterdude May 20, 2013

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hipster mouth

The condition where one has burned the roof of one's mouth by attempting to eat an item of food that has not yet cooled to a reasonable temperature for consumption, i.e. "before it was cool".

"I was so hungry I ate the pizza straight out of the oven and had a bad case of hipster mouth for the next day."

by hqrsie November 11, 2011

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