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real hug

When you hug someone and slide your hands down their back and grab their ass.

I just saw Rita at the bar and I have her a real hug. Hug ass

by chia727 January 30, 2016

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Long hug

Engaging in the physical merging in a "hug" for an extended period of time. Oftentimes making co-workers uncomfortable or leading them to believe that one or the other yearns for a union of hearts/minds/souls/bodies. Is often awkward and misinterpreted in the workplace environment, lasting over 6 seconds allowing one to "settle in" whether warranted or not

Girl: I dunno, he just long hugged me. Are we dating now?
Friend: Like how long did you guys hug?
Girl: A long time. Well over there 5 seconds...
Friend: Ooh, dang, he totally wants you!
Girl: Right!?

by Massivetrauma June 18, 2018

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Bear hug

Hugging a person body too hard

Bob: gimme a bear hug

Joe: ok
Joe: I think he’s got a broken everything

by Semaj1746 August 9, 2019

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peepee hug

A hug that includes full body contact in contrast to the teepee hug which is upper body contact only.

I was surprised that she gave me a peepee hug as my wife was standing within striking distance.

by dikfer August 12, 2008

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lower hug

Sexual intercourse.

We were making out and the next thing I knew we were lower hugging!

by Pandab0t January 24, 2017

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spit hug

Like a spit roast, but without the sex. When one female uses both of her arms to hug two males at the same time. Awesome in its lameness.

Me and Johnson just had the best spit hug on Bec.

by mcjonesin' August 23, 2010

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a hug in which the hug-er (one initiating the hug) is grotesquely unattractive, so the hug-ee (the one recieving the hug) tries to stay as far away as possible while still making some kind of body contact

usually lasts no more than a second

guy 1: "Look at Helga trying to give poor Brandon a hug."
guy 2: "Yea! He's totally giving her the ug-hug."

by tigerwoodsyall983 February 26, 2008

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