Source Code

I Love You.

I love you. GoodBye

Her: I Love You.
Bestie:I love you too are you okay?
Her: ....
Bestie: Hello?
She's Gone I'm sorry.

by T3amumiz00mi3s August 11, 2023

I Love You.

The words someone says when there about to leave this world behind.

GoodBye world

I just wanna say I Love You.

by T3amumiz00mi3s August 11, 2023

2👍 1👎

I love you

I love you means you’re never ever ever getting rid of me.

1: I love you
2: I will never get rid of you
1: i know

by WolfyDaWolf June 22, 2020

I love you.

Ya might wanna check up on ur friend they might be plotting to off themselves

Or they might just love you

Friend: I love you.

Friend: I love you.
You: I love you to

by Poopstink345678910 January 21, 2024

I love you

This is the thing I want to say to you !
You know, i might be shy... But I love you so much and I will be able to leave everything for you, cuz I want you to know that you mean everything to me, you're so precious <3

"Babe, I love you so much and i mean it :)"
"I- wow, I love you too ! 🥰"

by Leeea0407 November 24, 2021

I love you

Apparently it means the moon.. HOW DO YKU GET THE MOON FROM I LOVE YOU
Wtf Shoya

Girl 1: I love you
Boy 1: Ohh the moon

by March 11, 2021

I love you

When fully I love you is fully typed out or said it can mean a lot more than just love you or the abbreviation ily.

It can show how much you truly love this person more than words can describe, it show joy when being with this person. You like to express yourself and be whom you truly are in front of them, they make you feel safe and comfortable. You feel at ease when around this person and all your worries typically will seemingly disappear.

When using this phrase be very careful to whom you say it to. You want to truly mean it and make sure you dont let it lose it's meaning like some other phrases such as: "I'm sorry" and "I hate _______".

You: "I love you so much! I can't even put it into words how much I love you"

SO: "I love you too!"

by just a little mischevious guy June 1, 2022