Hench ginger Don with a 69 inch cock who will absolutely destroy your arsehole without hesitation
Jamie left my arse bleeding last night
An amazing friend who is absolutely hilarious and can’t help but make everyone around him happy. The sunshine on a rainy day. He is kind and sweet and cares about the world. Jamie cooks the best food in the world. He has great hair and is extremely handsome.
Jamie told me a hilarious joke today.
This food is so good, must have been made by Jamie!
Look there’s Jamie, he’s so handsome!!
Name of females and males , females named Jamie have very tight pussy. While males named Jamie have very huge cocks and cum a lot
I dated a guy named Jamie and he had a huge cock and cum a lot
a retarded specky spesh whos only characteristic is the salad bowl on his head and a slut for a "girlfriend" whoa probably cheated on him like 50 times already.
A better name for him is gaymie OR the one-inch wonder as his mum calls him
P1: "have you heard about jamie?"
P2: "jamie youre a retarded pencle dick with a bowl cut"