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League of Legends

A game for a sub-species of homo-sapiens. This sub species tends to be above the age of 38 and likes molesting children below the age of 10.

"I'm going to hop on some League of Legends after I molest a child."

by baha895 January 8, 2022

League of Legends

A good way not to get bitches

You play league of legends? Wow
What a turn off.

by Tickytac420 May 2, 2022

League of Legends

Everyone says it's the reason of cancer. It's the virtual enviroment of bullies. The words are literally out of this world. Players are too talented to create new slurs to enrich our vocabulary. If you play at low elo from bronze-silver league, in short time you can be diagnosed with brain cancer.

Platine-emerald-diamond league is home of players who generally have only one achievement which is climbing up high elos in League of Legends on their life. And usually they dream of being in master league or even higher.
They also use scripts (these self claimed talented players) and they are cheap you can purchase one with 30-40 dollars lol. But there is a risk of being banned. But who cares? Just they purchase new 30 level account with less than 3 dollars and climb to diamond with script open.

They create new heros regularly and the heros are generally overpowered and they nerf it at following patch and after that nobody plays them. Months after people forget them lol.

Professionals from diamond 1, master or challenger league are simply egomaniacs. Some of them purchased or boosted their accounts from gold league most commonly platine and they feed the enemy team always and they generally instalock Garen, Master Yi and Yasuo sometimes Yone.

Other players are usually trying to use cool words but it does not work. Some of high elo players never chat with you in game only ping and some of them play like they are in armageddon war.

Natalie: I have started playing League of Legends with my boyfriend and our relationship is now over.
Patrick: LOL, it happens you are probably feed the enemy at bot lane.

by WeebLawStudent October 4, 2023

League of Legends

an F tier moba game created in 2009 by a dogshit company Riot Games. Enjoyed by pedophiles, overweight neckbeards and autists the world over. If the subpar graphic quality wasn't bad enough the shitty champs available to play as are even worse. the only skills required for this game is button mashing Q and E and raging in the online chat like a tourettes patient.

person 1: im bored i need some new game reqs but dont want to spend a lot of money.
person 2: you should download League of Legends, its free and i play every day.
person 1: League? are you shitting me? that is actually the worst game. Tbh id rather play animal crossings.

person 2: wym? its such a fun eSport and theres so many cool champs to chose from, I play Caitlyn top lane every day.
person 1: yea.. I'm really starting to question your morale. at first you seemed chill, but after what you just said you come off as the hentai weeb type.

by Kos645379 April 28, 2022

League of legends

If you play this game u get 0 females u virgin L get out ya mums basement Fat monkey ballz

Ur a monkey if u play this league of legends is a fat L like u

by Iloveurtoes November 11, 2022

League of legends

An online game specially made for koreans.

Oh man, is League of legends made in Korea or something?

by Korean fag November 18, 2016

League of Legends

A piece of shit game that is meant for 12 yr old Koreans to waste their money on.
This game will learn you how to circle jerk with gay Asians that suffer from aids.

Wow, you play League of Legends so you must be a gay faggot who wastes his money on a free to play game.

by XxXSub_Op_MijXXX August 31, 2017