Drawf sized person
Going bald
A2 rider ( but can’t hack it ) now A3
Stevie Mc cann is a homosexual who is drawf sized male with badly reseeding hairlines
Useless on a bike (fact)
An incredibly racist rapper, he smokes weed a lot
Fuck MC Bones!
MC Cracker is the best rapper ever, hes got a great flow and lyrics as good as Eminem’s, if you don’t listen to his debut album Cracker you will go to hell
Tyrone - “don’t you love MC Crackers new album”
Tyrese - “hell yeah my nibba”
több százezer kilómétere vagyok magyarországtol
32 négyzetméteres pizza by mc isti
a student nurse with a big heart. a man who always stood up for what is right.
Ex: Where could I find a Mc Nhill in my life?
420th President of the United States
He started his career at age 12 Working as a Mc. Donalds Employee, at age 14 he got fired for being a Simp
He started becoming a president at the age of 69, and currently has a criminal record of stealing everyone's burger
Ronald Mc. Trump is the 420th President of the United States of America