A mid-day dove person is neither a night owl or an early bird. This person is at their most active point between the hours of 3pm to 6pm... if lucky, maybe 7.
Charlie: Hey, it's 9am let's go for breakfast!
Brandy: Eh... (falling asleep)
Charlie: Hey, it's too late for lunch and too early for dinner but do you want to grab a bite anyway?
Brandy: SURE!
Charlie: Wow, you're such a mid-day dove.
Charlie: Hey, let's go out to a bar tonight!
Brandy: Eh... (falling asleep)
Gassed-up mid refers to someone who is around a 4-7 out of 10 in appearance and looks similar to many others, but has been convinced they are more attractive or of higher status than they actually are
Girl's the definition of gassed-up mid. A basic 4 acting too bougie for 6s and under
The lesbian equivalent of a Midlife Crises. In some cases this can be a femme suddenly deciding to explore their butch side several years too late into a relationship, or vice versa. In nearly all cases it usually involves one half of a couple suddenly deciding to radically change their style and chase after way younger (probably teenaged) girls.
Can be initiated by a "Lesbian Dragon" and will often later be the cause of "FLD".
Everyone agreed that things seemed to be going well between Jaclyn and Lou', then Jaclyn one day started wearing waistcoats and hitting on confused schoolgirls. Her mid-les crisis pretty much killed the relationship overnight.
When a 15-20 buys expensive clothes, alchohol and anything shiny to give their boring life identity.
"Damn, I can't believe Ben's having a mid-midlife crisis at 16!"