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Cheese Beard

An extension of the cheese stache. A beard which consists of scattered, patchy hair growth, typically seen on people of Hispanic heritage.

Man did you see Alex's cheese beard? Somebody get him a razor!

by halfpint86 October 15, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bro Beard

Bro Beard, simply put. Where a bro cuts his hair with a 1 guard, so it's super short, then has a thick beard that totally offsets it, so it's unbalanced. Must be accentuated by lack of wearing the Bro, Flat Billed black hat cocked to the side.

Ohh myyy, check out that Bro. I bet he has a family of squirrels living in that Bro Beard. What a bro!! LOL

by Bro's spread like syphilis March 5, 2011

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Drag Beard

1. See: Skirt Boy
2. Ugly.
3. A male who dresses in women's clothes who has a thick beard.

"I totally thought that was a chick, and then it turned around, and OMG it was Drag Beard!!!11!!"

Also see: opposite of cool.

by Fagbot and jessor December 27, 2003

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Playoff Beard

A beard often grown by male college students during either finals week or a time period with a high amount of mid-term exams. Usually grown for good luck or as a result of a lack of time.

Doug: Mark you don't normally grow out much facial hair.
Mark: Well it is finals week this week...
Doug: Ah, gotta love the playoff beard.

by K. Botti March 9, 2007

33๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

beard splitter

ladies man

george is a beard splitter

by zajc July 29, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

thanksgiving beard

A person of the opposite sex one takes to ones parents for Thanksgiving, to allay any suspicion of one being gay.

"Well they look happy together...I'm pleased for him"
"Are you kidding? Our son is as gay as a fruit-cake and she is obviously his Thanksgiving beard!"

by drbollocks November 30, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neck Beard

Someone who does absolutely nothing with their life, has no job, no future, and always tries to find a way out of having to get a job. Because only men can have a full neck beard (there are of course exceptions) they are usually the ones referred to as a neck beard.

Man my friend is such a neck beard that he took out yet another loan to pay for his tattoos as well as another speeding ticket he got last week

by ray ray va jay jay January 18, 2011

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