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Free Bitch Pass

When someone is looking to excuse their anti-social, rude, insane, or any other type of negative behavior, this is what you would call it. Most try to pin it on a mental disorder or some other health issue they may not actually have...such as being Bi-Polar...or something else that the victim of the Free Bitch Pass seeker has no fault in, like "That time of the month" or an unpaid bill.

Basically, this is what you seek when you don't want to take responsibility for the fact that you are a fucked up person, or are having a far-too-long session of being fucked up. When you do something to attempt to divert attention from your bad behavior and get away with being a bitch, you are looking to get a Free Bitch Pass.

1 - Jaime: "All these years, Chelsea would constantly switch from being nice to being a raging hellcat and try to blame it on being Bi-Polar. Her mom said she never was diagnosed with Bi-Polarity, she just craves attention. It's like I told you man, homegirl was lookin' for a Free Bitch Pass is all."

2 - Bill: "I don't give a fuck about what you want, get the hell out of my way! I am late for my flight!"

Mike: "What the fuck do you want, a Free Bitch Pass? Thats got jack shit to do with me and you need to get the fuck out of my face with that crybaby bullshit before you make me have to wreckstep your punk ass!"

by Riot.EXE October 8, 2009

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Ching Chong Pass

A pass given to you by an Asian, with the pass you can say Ching Chong without being racist.

Bill: Ching Chong
Gerald: Bro that's racist!
Bill: No, John gave me a Ching Chong Pass

by Korn boi January 22, 2020

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N word Pass

Obtained by only the truest niggas

White Dude: Nigga
Black Guy: What did you say cracker
White Dude: Dude chill, I got the N word pass

by Bigboygod9 April 9, 2019

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None Shall Pass

A popular philosophy amongst the rich.

Escalade driving house wife, "Look at that little minion go, doesn't he know, NONE SHALL PASS."

by cbyrd January 30, 2010

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puerto rican pass

Passing someone in a car by using the shoulder on the right.

Grandma was going so slow I had to puerto rican pass her.

by Craigalicious May 29, 2008

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Laugh-N-Pass, A common tactic of smoke who does not want to smoke.
What is it? The person that never smokes, rather waits till everyone is laughing then passes at the end of the laughter.

Kevin didnt want to smoke so he waited until everyone busted out laughing. During this time he also laughed and then passed the blunt when everyone was done, completing the laugh-N-pass. During the laughing no one payed attention and figured he had smoked during that time.

by TheRealPops July 7, 2010

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get a late pass

etymology: derived from the same phrase used by teachers in lower schools whereupon a child has tardily entered his classroom ( n., late pass, v., latepass)
directed toward a person who has presented something (often a piece of information or writing, news article or website) as new and interesting, when it is, in fact, related to something old and already widely circulated

Although others were impressed when Katie showed off the all your base-themed thatched-reed basket she had made in her underwater basket weaving class, Reu could only reply, "Katie, get a late pass!"

by Elliott September 9, 2005

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