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pronounced like other foreign languages - chinese, japanese, office-ese. pronounced - office "ease".

description - the cliche, usually trendy language spoken by corporate office / executive types to make themselves seem more intelligent / important than they are, or so busy, or just cool / "in the know" amongst their corporate world colleagues, etc.

examples of cliche words / phrases- Having said that, if you will, essentially, so to speak, others - dude, I wish I could help you, but i'm totally slammed / swamped / jammed. "Thank you / Thanks so much", although never spoken in a way that feels really sincere at all.

I wish she would stop speaking office-ese, she's so annoying.

OMG I really wish Brad would chill (stop) with the office-ese. It's totally annoying.

by optical1 February 24, 2011

Office Abuse

When you work for a company that feels you couldn't do any better and should be privileged to work there. Boss makes you feel incompetent at every turn and has his favorites.

Oh great... here comes Brian to perform more Office Abuse on all of us. Cant wait to find another job.

by Jackpot!cs February 4, 2021

Office roomba

The sole person left working alone at the office building, often by choice, who runs around trying to keep on top of all tasks.

Q: Is Sharon still not working from home?
A: No, she's totally the office roomba.

by MegaHuge June 25, 2021

Officer snowflake

Person 10:Did you see Drew durnils acting in his old YouTube video I know it was cringe right.
Person 2:yeah it was funny to.

Drew durnil did a great job being officer snowflake

by lbert August 11, 2022

anthrax post office

The New Jersey post office that handled anthrax-laced letters reopened Monday morning, nearly 3 1/2 years after the deadly mailings that further heightened the nation's fears in the weeks after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

The post office was closed on Oct. 18, 2001, after NBC anchor Tom Brokaw, two U.S. senators and the offices of the New York Post received anthrax-laced letters that went through Hamilton.

source: USA Today

Do you know where the Anthrax post office is?

by levex October 20, 2010

Office Rat

Office Rat is a derogatory term used to describe a corrupt politician or government worker

They elected a damn office rat!

by lanceryder April 10, 2024

office lightweight

A person in the office environment, who claims to put in 110% for the good of the office, can talk the talk, but struggles to walk the walk (or simply unable to achieve anything).

Peer response manifests as frustration or mocking of the said individual.

The Office Lightweight is usually a person from middle management.

Person A: "So I asked Kelvin for a day off, as my wife's in hospital. Bloody prick said no worries... my roster came out and had we working 25hrs that day....FFS"

Person B: "Yeah Kelvin is a real Office Lightweight. Next time just call in sick"

by The_Mannn September 15, 2019