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A Fountain Pop

When a Female lets a Male insert an entire package of Mentos Mints. Into her Poopshoot followed by an entire Two Liter of Soda Pop. Causing an reaction in her rectum. The male proceeds to collect the exploding results inside a Styrofoam cup then drinks it.

Wow she has a nice ass. I think i need to mix me up A Fountain Pop

by This is complete billshit February 20, 2021

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

jiffy pop

A large pubic bush on a woman. So big it makes her panties appear to rise, like Jiffy Pop Popcorn.

I thought she was fine till I saw that Jiffy Pop in her drawers.

by Fat Nik April 23, 2003

102๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop the cap

peeing early in a night of drinking thus causing you to piss more frequently throughout the night

Dude Greg don't pop the cap so early, or you will be pissing all night

by Jkruk1 January 25, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop off

(v.) To lose one's cool; become really pissed off. The idiom is in reference to a pressure cap popping off, usually resulting in a nasty burn or imminent explosion. Thus, the person who caused the pop off is about to get told or be destroyed, depending on the nature and severity of the inflammatory incident.

James: Vernie, your little wigga child is uuuuugly.
Vernie: No you di'int, heeeyll no, heyell no, heyell nah, heyell no, you said what, naaah, heyell no, heyell no, heeeyeeeell, no, etc.
{Vernie has popped off at James' comment}
Boss: Dave, I know you're a family man, but I need you to come in Saturday... aaaaand Sunday, and stay late every night this week.

Dave: That's cool boss, I'm just gonna need your head in a fucking drill press while I go to work on your nuts with some bolt cutters and run an arc torch down your spine after I've nailed your feet to the floor with a remington power driver.

Boss: Okay Dave, no need to pop off now, I'll get Clarence to do it.

by testicles...that is all July 31, 2008

338๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

Popping a Parrot

The act of placing one's limp penis on the shoulder of an unsuspecting friend and saying "Polly wants a Cracker. another term for Mississippi Caterpillar. This can also be considered a clean way to do a Mississippi Mowhawk if the penis is placed up the unsucpecting person's head in the shape of a mohawk. I understand that Jimmy Buffet fans call this a Parrot Head gone wrong.

It was all fun and games until someone posted a video of Ryan Popping a Parrot on all the football players in the locker room before the game.

by hiemlich schlonge February 18, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

pop trunk

a switch that takes controls of the trunk when the trunk is unlocked if you move the switch up and down the trunk will go up and down if you move the switch up the trunk will be raised up and in the trunk thereare subwoofers amps hydraulic pumps t.v's etc. and on the door of the trunk there is a custom neon light sign (whatever you want the sign to say call a neon light place to get your sign made).

Pop trunk on them boyz show em my neon lights.

by That boy lil g A.K.A lil gangster in Trinity Gard April 19, 2003

101๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pop off

Going off on a mf who deserves it. Telling them what needs to be heard while making a scene because you are a bad bitch and you can do that.

Nigga stop talking to me before I pop off in this bitch

by Realiststatements June 30, 2019

112๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž