Eating period blood and puking it up during sex
"hey carl can you eat a girl out when she's on her period" "yeah as long as you don't give her a salsa shower"
When you take a bowl movement in the shower. Waffle stomp your bowl movement, then ingest said waffle.
See Waffle stomp
Jeff was a lot of things,but he was never late. To save time in the morning,he'd usually just stomp out a shower breakfast.
Quick scrub of unmentionables with use of minimal water, soap (if available), and speed
Joe was going to get lucky but first needed to freshen up with a commando shower.
A shower just a little hotter than comfortable that results in a red/pink afterglow not unlike a cooked lobster.
You're looking a bit red, are you ok?
Yeah, I had a lobster shower this morning.
When you fart shower so bad that you nearly pass out when you smell it
God, I nearly died in a gas shower this morning.
When you take a shower to remove the drunken sins of the prior night.
I was so drunk last night, I railed the ugliest girl in the bar so I woke up and took a life shower
1- A shower during the middle of the night using a neighbors hose typically in secrecy. The true embodiment of the cause of this action is usually commonly drug addiction, homelessness, and poverty(Delinquent payments).
Origination-Philadelphia: Kensington and surrounding neighborhoods
"I heard Johnny, Steve's neighbor caught him taking a Kensington Shower last night, and from what I heard he whipped his ass and took his shoes."