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Social Voyeur

someone who enjoys viewing content on facebook, twitter etc without 'liking' or adding anything to the conversation

"Hey Pete, good to see you, I'm loving your status updates and the pics you post"

Pete: "Really now? This is fascinating. You tell me this now that you're bumping into me in the real world, but for some reason you can't click 'like' or add to the conversation. Why do you enjoy & ignore? You're such a social voyeur!"

by Peter Greenwall May 18, 2011

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social Stalking

Looking act someone without having the nerve to actually go up and say hello.

Quit social stalking that "big beefy" boy at the gym already.

by Marty October 1, 2003

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Social Burnout

n. (so-shel bern-owt)
One who:
1. Is tired of referring to himself or herself in the third person

2. Is sick of posts detailing what was:
a. eaten for breakfast
b. the way time was spent at the gym
c. the weather when one went outside

3. Remembers when phones were for calling people


4. Didn't pay his or her internet bill this month. Kind of on purpose.

n. The process of becoming a social burnout

"--What happened to Joey? I haven't heard from him in days.

--Dude, total social burnout. He's actually talking to people now."

by iamam April 10, 2010

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Box Social

party homer threw on mr. burns' yacht on the border of international waters where the coastguard sang a harsh rendition of a guitar riff over the loudspeaker. they also get attacked by pirates.

"Oh, they are poking every nook and cranny. Well, every
cranny anyway. So far the nook is relatively... Oooohhhh no! No, it isn't!"

by pika chu March 11, 2004

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a person resembling a fart. something silent that wofts around a group of people lingering. this defention can also be classified as jay
pronouced "soh-shul-fart"

A prime living example of a social-fart is Jay

by Larry Emder February 7, 2006

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socially maladjusted

Poorly adjusted to cope with social situations. See Colin Lothrop.

Tell Colin he's socially maladjusted.

by KidNapster March 25, 2005

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social predator

A person looking to take people money off or sex in a deceptive dishonest way. They lie all the time with half-truth. Play the victim. Manipulate. Hopefully for them the society in general support their lies because this world is based on lies but after some time you realize that they are not the solution but part of the whole problem.

Hey look, Richard S. Fuld, Jr. That crook looks like a predator. He don't just look like it, he is a social predator and he is a cancer to this world.

by JewsWorldOrder. March 28, 2016

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