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Orchestra Kids

Absolutely hates band.

New Kid: *Walks into school
"Hey, where are all the smart people?"
*Looks around and spots orchestra room*
"Ohhhhhh I finally found the orchestra kids!"

"So thats where all the smart people went!"

by ItsUnsaid September 18, 2022

9👍 1👎

krundi kids

Rave subculture with kids wearing jeans and a red champion hoodie. Mostly nostalgic about the 90's underground rave scene.

"Hey you are one of those Krundi kids, right? Can you hum your latest hit?"
"Dududuududuuu duuu, it's gonna be released next friday"

by Triffd November 20, 2013

Drunk or Kid

A game where the host tells a story about a really stupid thing they have done, and the other players have to bet on whether the story had occured when the host was a kid, or drunk. After the players bet, the host reveals the true story.

Host: -I ate a full packet of cinnamon because I thought it would taste good, then I threw up in the middle of the living room while crying my eyes out. Drunk or kid?
Player 1: -Drunk!
Player 2: -KId!
Player 3: -Drunk!
Host: -Kid. I was nine years old and I was hungry.

by wildwasteland December 26, 2014

No kidding Einstein

A certain way of saying duh after some Smart Alec states the obvious.

person 1: Hey, is that a balloon?
person 2: No kidding Einstein, of course it's a balloon.

by HeckinBrandon March 30, 2018

kitchen kid

in basic terms: a grub. dirty kid who starts fights at parties for no reason. usually hangs out in the kitchen at a party, segregated from the rest of the group. main objectives are to fuck the gross girls and drink all the beer in the fridge for free, then leave.

Mark: "do you want me to invite jesse?"
Dan: "fuck no, he's a kitchen kid. if he comes, then all his grubby kitchen kid friends will want to come."
Mark: "church to that!....'UNFRIEND'"

by lintybusiness December 25, 2011

roblox kid

don't be one

my momy wont give me robux because she hates me from ROBLOX kid

by efejiwjijirjwiji jejfkjekfjjej October 24, 2022

Kid Goo

The residue left behind by kids. Many times this residue is visible to the human eye but sometimes is not. The seemingly random breaking and deterioration of objects is often a side effect of kid goo.

My car is full of kid goo! No wonder the back windows don't work any more.

by boarderjunkie1 October 8, 2010