A music playlist stacked with good songs.
Damn, the dude with AUX controls has a dope playlist. It's Bangers on bangers.
A really good song from the past, that you didn’t even realize that you missed, until it came back on randomly.
May also be used to address a song that may have been long forgotten by a friend.
Man, I forgot about this song, this is straight Banger Memorabilia
Synonymous with doppelgänger. In other words, a person that looks like someone else.
Pamela saw Austins Dong Banger working across the hall.
The term "taking a Korean Banger" is a suburban term used to describe the act of taking a shit. The idea is that your waste travels in a straight, downward motion with a point of impact (POI) within cross proximity of the launch zone. (Emulating North Korean middle tests.)
My asshole is soaked from a Korean Banger that splashed back.