a melkshamism - bake the bean - to make and smoke weed . Used as code .Also used to mean that you are leaving or want to leave .
shall we bake the bean?
if you have weed this probably means you are suggesting going somewhere to skin up - if you don't it probably means you want to leave the present surroundings
like a heroin lean, but from percs, oxys, etc. Bean is slang for a pain pill.
Did you see Johnny nodding out while he was drilling that concrete? He's got that after lunch bean lean.
A sock filled with beans... thats it
Person 1: Hey Brian, what are you doing?
Brian: Nothing!
Person 1: Are you eating the bean sock again?
Brian: h948fnh4308sf
The Answer to Everything
Having Marital Problems? Negro Beans!
Being Incarcerated for Fraud? Negro Beans!
Want an abortion? Negro Beans!
John, I want a divorce.
John: Negro Beans!
To be killed repeatedly over and over again. Exclusively in the Fantasy/ gamer world!
Dude, you just killed me like three times! I just got Sean Beaned!!!
Another way of saying clitoris.
"Focus on the vagina bean when you go down on your woman Vanillabean117, she will enjoy it."
"This time Vanillabean117, don't just focus on my lady lips, show some love to my vagina bean."
"WOW! Your vagina bean is so erect!. -Stop! don't say such naughty things about me hentai Vanillabean117."