The mascot of doahnel and his twitch community.
Man, buff grape is JACKED.
1.a convicts dinner. since salad tossing in prison is a thing , and most do prefer grape jelly , thats a grape salad they tossin.
when buying drugs in prison , its customary for the buyer to toss the salad of the seller , with either grape jelly{for xtra flavor} or syrup. most prefer grape jelly. that is a grape salad
A video where a colored male puts grapes into his rectum and releases them after someone ejaculates in his rectal cavity
Wow that grape salad video is so hott
the act of putting grape fanta into your partners ass. getting a straw and blowing in making the fanta come out.
Dude, The sex was so good she let me give her the grape geyser!
A midget that fists another person in their anus, and then pulls out their rectum giving them a pink sock.
Me: Beth had to go to the hospital last night.
Person:What for?
Me:Her midget husband grape squishied her last night.
The cruel and bigoted practice of mocking a fellow human being simply because they have brutal, throbbing haemorrhoids.
Having endured three decades of unremitting grape shaming from his supposed friends, Simon cautiously lifted himself from the inflatable cushion and declared for all the world “No more!” And then “Aaargh! Me Farmer Giles!”