An annoying idiot that goes to Abbott Middle School.
His home is a cardboard box and thinks that everyone who likes pokemon is a loser.
Doesn't know that 1+1=2
"Why is James Romero an idiot"
The man who created the most hype USC video there will ever be. Also will never give credit to the Baltimore Ravens for winning a game. Has the signiture catchphrase “*insert team name* what happeneduuuhhhhhh”
Hop on Tik Tok right now. James Droz just posted about your team losing.
Another Mexican but also far different from Davin Kroomer. A James Reginalds will definitely stand out from a crowd, with a face you wonder who could love. A James Reginalds will always be a slimy little man mentally and a clown physically. Despite his appearances a James Reginalds is very dangerous, a whiff of his breath will bring you to the gates of death. Lastly never trust a James Reginalds every word he shall speak will come straight from his ass, his hand then his mouth. (Despite the negatives James Reginalds have the legs of a model)
Mom, did you seriously buy this condom from a James Reginalds?
A very 'innocent' guy who really isn't innocent. He may deceive you with his innocent sense of humour and knowledge, but as you get to meet him this quicks is proven false. He is caring, kind and compassionate but sometimes a pest. He is very competitive and always love to win a challenge. He has smol pp.
Hey have you heard of Harry James.
Yes! He is that innocent guy, right?
A girl who is constantly called up to the front office by the principal. She somehow manages to be a mix of attack helicopter, waterslide, crackhead, turtle, panda, dolphin, and sky scraper. Whenever you're in trouble, just scream her name, she will always manage to (not) be there for you.
The principal: "Shaniqua James the the front office please, Shaniqua James to the front office please.
A madly talented underrated Hollywood star and a Scottish lad whom not only tricks you into thinking he’s English but he dedicates himself to his strong streak of playing dying film characters. You may have heard his name in the everyday phrase ‘JAMES MCAVOY DESERVES AN OSCAR!!1!1!’ but sadly, his Oscar shelf remains empty. From playing roles from the famous Narnian Faun to the telepathic Professor, he is what we call a gifted, acting legend. Hairavoy or Baldavoy will never change the fact that he is a ‘A walking dick joke’. It’s notable that James McAvoy is the Guiness World Record winner of having the world’s shortest Instagram livestreams because don’t let his handsome looks fool you, he is a real grandpa with technology.
Ryn: omg you really don’t know how to work Instagram, do you?
Tam: aye I’m a bit of a James McAvoy innit
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